29 May 2010

summary of saturday

nothing much really, some of the major things
can't be done till the art direction is settled

treasurers decided on just public bank

dtp managed to get a few information on the prints

marketing has come up with a potentially great outline
they say it can even be possibly be applied to any
of the art direction

daniel seems to be on the art team

pr has some oh exciting events for this monday

oh ya,stephen did mention that this monday there
maybe some people coming in to give some talks,
if he can't get them, we will have more time
for ourselves la

plus there seems to be some sentence
typed in my notes page
"Sofia has established herself as sprawesome kthxbai"
hmmm ...

here's some more repeated calarts

28 May 2010

so this saturday

there's no class
but for board people (or bored people)
there's meeting 1-330 at f3

some calarts

and oh snoopy

27 May 2010

wei peow template

got from mr ho
the one we need to pass up around week 6
download download

25 May 2010

24 May 2010

summary of monday

that guy from class, whatshisname
his email is weipeow@toa.edu.my in case you missed it
cos he very fast show only
submit edited psd along with jpeg or vid and title it eg mm05_name

- meeting -
additional ideas for theme has been put out
145% (we all give 100% plus more, also represents number of students)
1+1=2 (something about communication + design, i wasn't paying attention)
Genesis78 (origin of everything, beginning of batch78,
do something that has not been done before)
Area78 (dangerously creative, "we are all freaks" and need to be contained)
Supernova (each of us are little stars,
we gather for this grad thing to make an explosive event)
Chromosome78 (it's like we all have some extra stuff in our dna)
Team Theme (you know, work together and stuff)

7 in total, i think there'll be a poll on the forum
can go vote and everything must be decided by monday next week
all themes must be easy to explain, simple and catchy said marketing dept

fundraising starts now, or soon
rm500 put up a show, rm5 also put up a show

actually we may not have 145 ppl could only be 120

treasurers settle bank by saturday
art team think of potential logo design
copyrighters help with themes
dtp get sponsors from paper print dealers
paper samples prices anything notify marketing team

jon says
may june planning
july aug execution

stephen says
manpower important
who is on duty during events
Pr an event management need to know
who is free at what time
no point exciting over an event if nobody wants to help

besides that, it's been said that dg ppl would not
give full effort for this grad campaign
i think, try to prove them wrong la

and lastly, that phrase stephen always say
that kill your baby thing
he got from some belgium artist i think
his name was jan fabre

and i'll be reposting the calarts videos
just in case you all missed some


22 May 2010

summary of saturday meeting

motto or theme
"taking risks for success"
"dangerously creative, area 78"

mission or objective
unite batch and have fun

they've decided to have the exhibition outside
and not in the one gallery, puh
reasoning is that there's a lot of works to show
(i would have said something but the decision was
made before we came in)

fundraising ideas
carnival day (which includes some video game contest,
guessing jar, card game, bidding on people and etc)
some photo contest
movie night

19 May 2010

looks like it is this one

it's still under construction though


(if you read emails, there are some repeat of info)

everyone - "ideas on how to get moneh"
pass it to any of the members of the board committee

saturday - there'll be some meeting of the boards
(jon said either 130pm sat, 8pm sat or 2pm sun)
(dg ppl can come late if 130pm)
the rest of the ppl can continue sleeping or classing

last tuesday stephen had a meeting with jon and i (sofia was sick)
(i believe we all have the right to know what's going on)
so basically here are the points :

1, pr and event management division can have 5 more extra ppl
(they can elect them themselves but at least 1 from Interior Design)

2, photography division can have 3 more ppl

3, marketing division can also but not so important

4, we must set up some website (forum) where all can gather gather
most preferably MM ppl, or website team do wan
(zafri suggests when we register for the forum we must use our names and class)
(eg zafri_ad, jon_il)
when the forum goes online i'll post the link on the blog

5, by next week monday we must have a solid art direction and logo
along with rational, mission objective

6, he stress some more on art direction must be quick
can have one or more

7, marketing proposal sent to stephen so he can print letterhead

8, a schedule outlining the remaining weeks
we have about 8 weeks from now

15 May 2010

oh totally forgot

welcome back to school, hahaha, last sem everyone
(what's with all this president thing)