07 November 2008

zy said

next week bring this weeks class assignment
he said no pass up today justnow because
he wants us to use it for our homework
or something, besides that
zuhra - bring your last sem figure in
perspective next week
koklong - you didn't come to class
3 times, 4th time and you fail
(stop not coming to this and other classes
lah so mah fan)

if anyone sees them before i do pls tell them

on a side note,
i got 10 peoples toa regrid thing
some didn't give jpg file so i do for them
except 2
nicky - toa.jpg link file is missing
yiling - sry, i don't have missing font

oh and monday no class
so either send me your .ai and .jpg file
to my gmail account or tuesday morning
the redo is optional but
the first version everyone must send

to ben - how dare you say the new colours are dull

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