28 February 2009

last minuet stuff

well....someone told me that the museum was not open on monday BUT i called and confirm that they are OPEN so we'll be going on monday, if anyone of you wanna go by your own time, go ahead just remember to keep your tickets and write your name on it.

And i heard that G1 doenst have class on monday...can anyone confirm on that? If so, we can go in the morning and meet at the station at 9a.m...then after that come back early or go kl....which ever way you like.....XP

Oh..we'll be going alone coz AD ppl went today

*p.s. For those who are taking the KTM, we'll only meet at the station on 9.am. IF G1 doesnt have class otherwise 1.40p.m

Hope you guys are clear on this.....

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